Thursday, December 8, 2016

Best Twitter Profiles & Blogs for Data Analysis

So in my final blog of the year I'm putting out a call for the best and most practical resources for data and analytics professionals to follow. I'm looking for the best:

  • Twitter profiles
  • Blogs
  • Newsletters
  • Groups
Really anything that you can follow and share information with about data and analytics. Specifically the following:
  • R
  • SQL
  • Python
  • Visualization
  • Data
  • Analytics
Help me become smarter and therefore a more active part of the community of advanced analytics.

Tweet your resources @haizman. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Advanced Analytics Process

Through my time in analytics and through studying different courses I've been following the process laid out in the Coursera JHU Data Science Specialization Track. It looks like this:

  1. Define the question
  2. Define the ideal data set
  3. Determine what data you can access
  4. Obtain the data
  5. Clean the data
  6. Exploratory data analysis
  7. Statistical prediction/modeling Interpret results
  8. Challenge results
  9. Synthesize/write up results
  10. Create reproducible code
  11. Distribute results to other people
Without a doubt it helps you reach the best conclusions when trying to solve large analytical questions.